:hammer: missing stuff (to add when slides there)
:warning: sure to be on the exam
:books: Bouquin conseillé




Four challenges:

“Progresser soi-même, c’est faire progresser les autres.”

Le craftmanship, c’est:

-> Passion + partage

Craftmanship | What is it?


Quand on est propriétaire de son code, on a tendance à prendre plus soin de lui. (askip)

Craftmanship | Approach

SOCRA is a software development approach that emphasies…

Craftmanship | History

Who cares?

Craftmanship | Values


Agile | Values

The 4 values of Agile:

Agile | Methodo

:warning: 3 premiers a connaitre

Agile | Scrum

3 artefacts

3 roles

4 rituals

Agile | Kanban

Kanban is about workflow management designed to visualize the work and maximize efficiency.

6 practices


Agile | Extreme programming

5 values

3 roles

Complet signifie terminé, avec tests, métriques suffisantes.

Agile | Agile Devops

3 things to notice


DevOps | CALMS

DevOps | Skillset

Skills a “DevOps” engineer must possess:


DevOps | CI & CD


DevOps | Branching strategy


Trunk-based development branches

Gitflow branches:

Code Quality

Code Quality | How

What’s up with those names?

Google is your friend, I’m too lazy to write them for now :hammer:

Code Quality | SOLID Principles

Build structures easy to understand and tolerating changes:

Code Quality | Technical debt

How to get rid of technical debt?

Code Quality | Clean Code

:books: Clean Code

Code Quality | Code Smell

Check SonarQube

Code Quality | Technical debt

Cause of technical debts

Code Quality | Refactoring


Testing | Purpose

The purpose of testing is to find the defects and errors that were made during development phases.

There are 3 reasons to do more extensive testing:

Testing | Cost over Time

Testing | Test Pyramid


Testing | Testing strategy

4 things:

Testing | Testing strategy

Cours de qualité

Testing | Test types

Testing | Test first approach


TDD | Red - Green - Refactor

Write failing test -> make test pass as simply as possible -> improve code without modifying behaviour -> write failing test

TDD | Double loop TDD

:exclamation: TP pour le 4 juin (gitlab, maven, intellij) (Teams)
