missing stuff (to add when slides there)
sure to be on the exam
Bouquin conseillé
Four challenges:
- Mismatch between requirements and deliveries
- Technical debts keeps increasing
- Code smell, clean code, clean architecture, principles, rules, design patterns, boys scout rule, best practices
- High volume of bugs
- DevOps
- Testing
- Testing strategy
- testing pyramid
- test types
- Habits
- Learning
- keep practicing the above
- share --> community
“Progresser soi-même, c’est faire progresser les autres.”
Le craftmanship, c’est:
-> Passion + partage
Craftmanship | What is it?
- not only working software, but also well crafted
- not only responding to changes, but also steadily adding values
- not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals
- not only customer collaboration, but also production partnership
Quand on est propriétaire de son code, on a tendance à prendre plus soin de lui. (askip)
Craftmanship | Approach

SOCRA is a software development approach that emphasies…
Craftmanship | History
Who cares?
Craftmanship | Values
- Business values
- Technical values: code & architecture
Agile | Values
The 4 values of Agile:
- individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- working software
- customer collaboration

Agile | Methodo
3 premiers a connaitre
- Kanban
- XP (extreme programming)
Agile | Scrum
3 artefacts
- Product backlog -> construire le produit
- sprint backlog -> une iteration
- product increment
3 roles
- product owner -> gere le backlog
- scrum master -> facilitateur (aide l’equipe a avancer)
- dev team
4 rituals
- sprint planning
- daily
- spring review
- retrospective
Agile | Kanban
Kanban is about workflow management designed to visualize the work and maximize efficiency.
6 practices
- visualize the workflow
- limit work in progress
- manage flow
- make process policies explicit
- feedback loop
- improve collaboratively
- flexibility
- reveals bottleneck
- team gets more responsive
- focus on finishing work
Agile | Extreme programming
- Dynamically changing software requirements
- risks caused by fixed time projects using new technology
- small, co-located extended development team
- the technology you are using allows for automated unit and functional tests
5 values
- communication
- simplicity
- feedback
- courage
- respect
3 roles
- customer
- developer
- tracker
Complet signifie terminé, avec tests, métriques suffisantes.
Agile | Agile Devops
3 things to notice
- Agile without devops is like having only meetings
- Agile and devops together will enable faster and efficient delivery, but whatever is built will be delivered as-is (aka garbage-in garbage-out)
- Craftmanship - the importance of technical excellence - leverages the quality of the product being built and ensures the expected value is being delivered --> Build the right thing and build it right!
DevOps | CALMS
- Culture
- Automation
- Lean
- Measurement
- Share
DevOps | Skillset
Skills a “DevOps” engineer must possess:
- SCM (git, svn) & Branching strategy
- Automation tools
- Containers - Orchestration - Cloud
- Rapid Deployment
- Effective Monitoring
- Security
- Testing
- Software Factory as code
- Infra as code
DevOps | CI & CD

DevOps | Branching strategy

Trunk-based development branches
- feature (short-live)
- master (permanent)
Gitflow branches:
- feature (short-live)
- develop (permanent)
- release (short-live)
- hot-fixe (short-live)
- master (permanent)
Code Quality
Code Quality | How
What’s up with those names?
- SOLID principles
- SoC (separation of concern)
- Code smells & technical debt
- Clean code
- Refactoring
- Boy scout rule
Google is your friend, I’m too lazy to write them for now 
Code Quality | SOLID Principles
Build structures easy to understand and tolerating changes:
- Single Responsibility
- Things that change for the same reasons should be grouped together. Things that change for different reasons should be separated.
- Open-closed
- Open pour apporter des fonctionnalités
- Liskov substitution
- Interface segregation
- Dependency Inversion
Code Quality | Technical debt
How to get rid of technical debt?
- Team practices
- Code practices
- Test practices
Code Quality | Clean Code
Clean Code
Code Quality | Code Smell
Check SonarQube
Code Quality | Technical debt
Cause of technical debts
- Business pressure
- Lack of understanding of the consequences of technical debt
- Lack of tests
- Lack of doc
- Lack of interaction between team members
- Failing to combat the strict coherence of components
- Delayed refactoring
- lack of compliance monitoring
- incompetence
Code Quality | Refactoring
- Améliorer le code
- Pour faire les choses plus efficacement
- Faire un pas en arrière pour mieux avancer derrière
Refactoring to patterns
Testing | Purpose
The purpose of testing is to find the defects and errors that were made during development phases.
There are 3 reasons to do more extensive testing:
- Software quality
- Working as expected per requirements
- better user experience
- Cost effectiveness
- Bugs found at late stage is much more expensive to resolve
- Security
- trustworthy product, data safe and vulnerability
Testing | Cost over Time

Testing | Test Pyramid

Testing | Testing strategy
4 things:
- What to test?
- How to test?
- Who does what?
- Where to do it?
Testing | Testing strategy
Cours de qualité

Testing | Test types
- Unit Tests
- Component tests
- Interface testing
- Integration Tests
- End-to-end tests
- Acceptance Tests
- UI tests
- Functional Tests
- Sanity testing
- Regression Tests
- Performance Tests
Testing | Test first approach
TDD | Red - Green - Refactor
Write failing test -> make test pass as simply as possible -> improve code without modifying behaviour -> write failing test
TDD | Double loop TDD

TP pour le 4 juin (gitlab, maven, intellij) (Teams)
Four challenges:
“Progresser soi-même, c’est faire progresser les autres.”
Le craftmanship, c’est:
-> Passion + partage
Craftmanship | What is it?
Quand on est propriétaire de son code, on a tendance à prendre plus soin de lui. (askip)
Craftmanship | Approach
SOCRA is a software development approach that emphasies…
Craftmanship | History
Who cares?
Craftmanship | Values
Agile | Values
The 4 values of Agile:
Agile | Methodo
Agile | Scrum
3 artefacts
3 roles
4 rituals
Agile | Kanban
Kanban is about workflow management designed to visualize the work and maximize efficiency.
6 practices
Agile | Extreme programming
5 values
3 roles
Complet signifie terminé, avec tests, métriques suffisantes.
Agile | Agile Devops
3 things to notice
DevOps | CALMS
DevOps | Skillset
Skills a “DevOps” engineer must possess:
DevOps | CI & CD
DevOps | Branching strategy
Trunk-based development branches
Gitflow branches:
Code Quality
Code Quality | How
What’s up with those names?
Google is your friend, I’m too lazy to write them for now
Code Quality | SOLID Principles
Build structures easy to understand and tolerating changes:
Code Quality | Technical debt
How to get rid of technical debt?
Code Quality | Clean Code
Code Quality | Code Smell
Check SonarQube
Code Quality | Technical debt
Cause of technical debts
Code Quality | Refactoring
Testing | Purpose
The purpose of testing is to find the defects and errors that were made during development phases.
There are 3 reasons to do more extensive testing:
Testing | Cost over Time
Testing | Test Pyramid
Testing | Testing strategy
4 things:
Testing | Testing strategy
Cours de qualité

Testing | Test types
Testing | Test first approach
TDD | Red - Green - Refactor
Write failing test -> make test pass as simply as possible -> improve code without modifying behaviour -> write failing test
TDD | Double loop TDD