Maven | What is Maven?
project building and configuration tool
open source
initially built for Java
- yet works with many languages
Challenged by Gradle
- still, Java’s world reference
- has put Ant to second place in a few months
Based on the “convention over config” paradigm
the build process is based on the project lifecycle:
- build
- test
- deploy
- install
- upload
- …
a single file describes the project
for small projects, this file is pretty short and readable
bigger projects -> bigger pom.xml
Maven | How does it work?
groupid == package
artifactid == 
packaging: type de projet
version (snapshot): permet une update automatique (a mettre en dev)
dependencies: les dependances
creates artifacts
stored for further import
can be of different types:
- jar (biblioteque)
- war (archive web, descriptif d’appli web)
- pom (projet de configuration)
- …
manage dependencies:
- declare the artifacts you need
- maven will fetch it for you from a central repo
- add your own repo for your own work to be maven-driven
- maven will handle transitive dependencies
dependencies scope:
- compile
- provided
- runtime
- test
handle unit testing for you
very tight integration with frameworks (Junit, TestNG, …)
Maven | What is Maven?
project building and configuration tool
open source
initially built for Java
Challenged by Gradle
Based on the “convention over config” paradigm
the build process is based on the project lifecycle:
a single file describes the project
for small projects, this file is pretty short and readable
bigger projects -> bigger pom.xml
Maven | How does it work?
groupid == package
artifactid ==
packaging: type de projet
version (snapshot): permet une update automatique (a mettre en dev)
dependencies: les dependances
creates artifacts
stored for further import
can be of different types:
manage dependencies:
dependencies scope:
handle unit testing for you
very tight integration with frameworks (Junit, TestNG, …)